Green Mountain Solidarity with Palestine

contact information

Primary contact:   Ray Doherty, 580 East Warren Road, Waitsfield, VT05673
                             Tel 802 496-2514;  Email:

Secondary contact:   Cliff Bennett, P.O. Box 672, Moretown, VT05660
                                  Tel 802 324-9864;  Email:
Note:  Cliff may have a new mailing address soon.  Contact him for more details.

Webpage:    Green Mountain Solidarity With Palestine Facebook page


about us

Mission Statement:
    “Green Mountain Solidarity with Palestine seeks to educate and inform the American people about the struggle of the Palestinian people for freedom, justice and a sovereign independent state.  We strongly support an internationally recognized political process that will result in a free, sovereign and independent Palestinian state at the earliest possible time.  We will pursue only peaceful, non-violent methods in support of the Palestinian people’s struggle.   We encourage dialogue, constructive political action and informed discussion to arrive at a feasible political solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”