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1/14 (Online) 8pm - How Artists Tackle the Futility of War with Kathy Kelly (War Industry Resisters Network)

Tuesday, January 14, 2025 8:00 PM -  9:30 PM ET - Online

How Artists Tackle the Futility of War, with Kathy Kelly (a WIRN webinar)

Drawing from paintings, photography, poetry and song, this webinar will feature works of art depicting war's consequences. Artists steadily summon antiwar solidarity. They help people focus on the crimes committed by war profiteers. Living alongside people trapped in various war zones reinforced Kathy Kelly's belief that "the means you use determines the end you get." Artists and writers provide us with the means to imagine a better world, a world beyond war.

Kathy Kelly is board president of World BEYOND War and a co-coordinator of the Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal. Her protests against militarism have led her to war zones and prisons, and she believes children of war and those who are victims of violence have been her most important teachers. Since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, she and an international network  of activists have assisted over 100 young Afghans forced to flee their country. In 2024, she helped launch and develop a Global Solidarity for Peace in Palestine network.

To register: How Artists Tackle the Futility of War, with Kathy Kelly (a WIRN webinar)