NENJP’s listserv facilitates conversation and information among the Affiliates, their members, and others who share in advocacy for Palestinians.
The NENJP listserv (the “Listserv”) is a private forum where NENJP affiliates (the “Affiliates”) and activists (the “Subscribers”) share information about actions, resources, and issues. Subscribers agree to adhere to the these guidelines (the “Guidelines”) for the privilege of sending or receiving messages.
Listserv Administrators (the “Administrators”) update and deal with technical operation. Volunteers oversee the Listserv as Managers (the “Managers”). This team of Managers addresses questions and conflicts that are brought to their attention via the “Contact Us” form at the NENJP website page.
The Basics
Subscribers must observe decorum.
Do not post any message that implies or projects racism or religious intolerance, bias, or that contains disrespectful statements about any group or individual.
Do not personally attack other Subscribers.
Do not post any information that violates the privacy of Subscribers, Affiliates, or any other person or organization.
Do not post to the whole Listserv when engaged in a dispute with only one or a few others; use private email instead.
Posts must be signed with the Subscriber’s real name or the name of the Affiliate if writing on either’s behalf; anonymous posting is not permitted.
Posts should relate to advocacy for Palestinians in their search for justice, equality, and peace.
Posts should be sent to the Listserv exclusively:
Do not add other contacts’ emails. Those contacts should be informed through a separate email.
If you are replying to a Listserv message that has been sent (incorrectly) to multiple recipients, do not “reply all” – address your reply only to
Check that the address is not included in any of your personal email contact groups. It is not “good practice” to include a group within a group of contacts.
When replying to or forwarding a message, keep the subject identical, but do change it when a discussion has evolved into a different topic.
When beginning a new thread, use a succinct subject line that clearly describes the topic.
Do not forward or quote an email received privately unless the author's permission has been granted or the sender’s clear intent is that the message be shared widely.
When replying to a message, consider whether that reply is best sent to all Subscribers via the Listserv or only to the original sender.
Remember, all have the right to state their opinions while observing NENJP’s Foundational Principles.
Subscribers who believe that a message violates Listserv Guidelines or otherwise causes concern should preferably discuss that concern privately with the poster directly. If/when appropriate or necessary, the concern should be shared with the Managers via the "Contact Us" form at the NENJP webpage. Posting a concern first to the Listserv and/or identifying the author of the offending message(s) risks appearing as making a prohibited personal attack on a list member or group.
The Listserv is not “moderated,” meaning that no one reads and approves every post before it is distributed to Subscribers.
Administrators handle routine matters related to Listserv membership and technical matters; they do not normally exercise control over message content.
Administrators may privately discuss and warn Subscribers about violating the Guidelines in relation to Subscribers addressing emails. [or ‘warn Subscribers if they violate these Guidelines.’ ]
If a Subscriber continues to violate the Guidelines in letter or in spirit, the Administrators will consult with the Managers about taking action that could include monitoring of posts, (remove comma) or suspension or revocation of privileges.
Commercial and Fundraising Postings
Fundraising events for Palestinian advocacy (as distinguished from appeals—see next item) may be announced and later followed with up to two reminders as the event date approaches.
Posting a commercial or fundraising appeal (as distinguished from event notices) is permitted only when relevant to Palestinian activism.
Further regulation of these posts, if necessary, is the responsibility of the Managers.
Subscribers’ email addresses are not available to other Subscribers or to the general public. Identities remain secret until the first time a Subscriber posts a message to the list.
When posting a message to the Listserv, Subscribers should recognize that this exposes their email address to other Subscribers who may then contact them privately or forward their messages, including their personal email address.
Messages that are posted to the Listserv are stored in an archive, to which only Administrators have access.
When Subscribers leave the Listserv previously posted messages are retained in the archive indefinitely.
By posting a message to the Listserv, Subscribers retain their copyright but have granted
(1) a non-exclusive license to NENJP to maintain an archive and (2) a non-exclusive license to all Subscribers to forward that message by email to anyone.
Legal Disclaimers
NENJP, the Administrators, and Managers are not responsible in any way for Subscribers’ postings.
Subscribers agree to hold NENJP, the Administrators, and Managers harmless with respect to message content.
Subscribers agree to hold NENJP, the Administrators, and Managers harmless in the event that their privacy is compromised.