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1/17 (Zoom) 12pm - AFSC Weekly Action Hour

Fridays @ 12:00 PM EDT - Zoom

This fall, we are returning to our normal Action Hour schedule, meaning each Friday we'll meet for an hour joined by a special guest. If you haven't already, register to join our Action Hour for Palestine every Friday at noon ET/ 9 a.m. PT.  You'll get updates from Gaza, call Congress, and see new resources and upcoming events.

Join us this Friday (1/17), where we’ll have time to gather in breakout rooms! If after last Friday’s skillshare you were inspired to write a letter to the editor and submit it to a newspaper, share it with us as well! You can send it to

On Friday, use this link to join us at 12pm ET / 9am PT on Zoom for the Action Hour! You should also get a reminder an hour before the Action Hour begins with the link. In the new year, you will need to click this link, or the one in the weekly reminder email, in order to continue to see the Action Hour in your calendars! 

To mark a year of genocide, watch this AFSC video featuring the heroic work of AFSC’s staff in Gaza over the past year of genocide, take a look at a timeline of our work over the past year, and read our public statement on the anniversary of October 7th.

Donate today  to support AFSC’s Gaza emergency response in Gaza. Over the past year, our staff have reached over a million Palestinians in Gaza with aid, including water, fresh vegetables, hygiene kits, school supplies, and hot meals.  See our new resource for peer-to-peer fundraising at

To register: AFSC Action Hour – Ceasefire Now

Updates from Gaza - In order to allow you to share Yousef’s updates from Gaza more easily with others, we’ve begun posting them on our Gaza Unlocked website. You can find the full update from our Friday call and the weeks before here