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1/17 (Zoom) 4pm - Get the Facts: UNRWA Ban Briefing Call

Friday, January 17, 4:00 PM EST - Zoom

Get the Facts: UNRWA Ban Briefing Call

The Israeli government’s proposed UNRWA ban is set to take effect at the end of THIS month, jeopardizing the lives and futures of millions of Palestinians during the darkest chapter in Palestinian history.

What if we could stop this ban from happening?

Join us Friday, January 17th at 4 pm Eastern for a private virtual community call to hear directly from UNRWA USA’s Executive Director, Mara Kronenfeld.

Mara will detail the impact of the ban if actually implemented, and the action you can take to help protect UNRWA’s vital work for Palestine refugees in the Gaza Strip and West Bank (including East Jerusalem) before it's too late.

The clock is ticking. You don’t want to miss this chance to take action for Palestine refugees.

What can you do right now?

Sound the alarm! Forward this invitation to five trusted friends who care about saving lives. The more people who know, the more we can do.

send me call details

Can’t make it? You can still support the urgent relief effort. Give a gift before 1/22 to ensure it can get to Gaza.

To register: Meeting Registration - Zoom